Monday, October 29, 2012

Changing pants in the car, what?

Blazer: H&M, Ruffled Pin Stripe Tank: Express, Belt: Donna Katz,
Jeans: Siwy Ladonna, Purse: Kenneth Cole Reaction,
Boots: Gift, Glasses: Target

Skirt: Piazza Sempione,
Shoes: H&M

See what I did there?;)
Do you have class all day and then have to hurry off to your internship or fancy schmancy job after school? Oh you do? Well, this my friend, is how to easily transition from one look to another. (That is if you're a lady, guys I'll have something for you in the future) Basically what I do is wear half my outfit around for half the day and before I leave home I throw the other half of it in the back seat of my car and lay it out neatly. Common sense right? Wrong! You would be surprised to know how many people ask how to do such a thing... oh what has this world come to? Anyway, basically I suggest you wear the part of your outfit which requires the most pieces/accessories throughout the entire day. You might think I'm crazy, which I won't deny, but it works for me. If you choose to change into your bottoms, like a skirt or pants, it's also much easier to change in your car if you're completely desperate for time. (Just make sure the cars next to you are not bigger than the car you drive) Don't judge, I worked and went to school full time my sophomore year, you try working 8-9 hours a day and try to make it to class on time when you work 40 minutes away and you only have 30 minutes to get there, during rush hour.

Anyway, as some of you may have noticed, which you did because you made sure to let me know in my inbox, I did not post anything yesterday. With that said, if you must know why you can just listen to The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars. Kidding! I was actually not feeling well at all yesterday and when you add everything up I believe I was only awake for a grand total of 6 hours throughout the day. That is until 10pm rolled around and then sure... I was awake until like 4am! Why? Truthfully, I think my body is spiting me for missing wayyy too many workouts and feeding it nothing but coffee, hot chocolate, and muffins for.. oh I don't know basically the entire semester. Well, maybe the last half isn't true but you get the point.
But no worries! I didn't entirely waste my Saturday doing absolutely nothing productive! I changed up The Bird Days a bit and I'll probably keep doing so since I'm terribly indecisive. I hope you all had a lovely last weekend of October, I know I enjoyed sleeping in and sipping warm cinnamon coffee snuggled up in my bed!


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