Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A&A Wednesday


Dress: Black House|White Market
Gold Watch: NY&C
Tights: Macy's
-Waiting for the doctor once you're already in the little room, by yourself, in a gown, trying not to even think about moving because the moment you do that crunchy paper you're sitting on turns into a noisy Fourth of July firework's show.
-Even more awkward: I chose to move about on the 4th of July paper and entertain myself with the only things I had at arms reach, the medical instruments. You know the eye, ear, and arm things they examine you with. The same ones we all dreamed of using once upon a time when we were like 5 and 7 years old and played doctor because they were always included in the doctor kit. In any case, I began playing around with them when my doctor does this super sneaky 007 knock and opens the door before I could put any of the toys away...
-Walking in a very crowded/very busy sidewalk when my needle point heel literally nails the soft spot in the crack that was just refilled. So naturally, my leg goes all wacky to the side and I look like a 14 year old girl who ventured into the world with heel's for the first time. Good thing I had my friend next to me because I grabbed onto her arm for dear life as I tried to wedge my heel out of the gooey pavement sealer mess.
*I'm sure you can all see how obviously graceful I am considering last week's A&A.

-It snowed this week, Even if it was just a flurry it's still snow. Want to know the full story of my reaction about how I discovered the first snowfall of the season? Go to yesterday's post, "Baby it's cold outside" or click on older posts at the bottom of this page.
-The Bird Days got 1500 views! GO YOU! Yes, you reading this right now! Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out what The Bird Days are all about:)
-I was at Walgreen's the other day browsing the allergy pill section alongside an older gentleman and a little pumpkin. After about a minute or so the little girl sees me and comes right over and we began what I can honestly say was one of the sweetest conversations I have ever had. It went a little something like this:

g: Ooh.. you're so pretty! What's your name?
m: Aww so are you! My name's Jennie what's yours?
g: I'm Gracie, I'm 4. Jennie are you my papa's best friend? Papa (tugging on her grand-father's pant leg) is Jennie your best friend?
m: No, I'm just shopping for medicine.
g: Do you have a boyfriend?
m: No, I don't.
g: Why not?
m: Because I haven't found the right boy yet.
g: How come you never found the right boy?
m: I found the right one a very long time ago but then thing's changed.
(After a full spin and twirl in her twinkle toes, those are actual shoes, remember I worked at a day care those things lit up every inch of the classroom during nap time) Gracie turned to me and dropped to her knees and shouted:
g: Oh no! Jennie you're stepping on your pretty dress!
-my dress was actually just really, really long and unfortunately I don't have a picture in it because this was Urban Thursday on the Bird Day's.
So there I stood trying to explain to Grace my dress was just really long and before I knew it she was back up and said, "I'm going to buy you the prettiest thing in the world."
With that, she turned and took off towards the end of the aisle and turned the corner.
When she came back she had a headband in her hand and said, "Take it, I'll buy it for you in a minute!" I said, "Thank you, you're a lovely little girl Gracie I'm really glad I met you, and then she wrapped her arms around my legs, said good bye, and her grandfather apologized because she was being "intrusive". Of course I told him there was no need for any kind of apology, it was the highlight of my day!

Also, shout out to my amazing photographer for the day Mr. Michael Carothers.

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